Thursday, January 2, 2020

How do I fit a FamilySearch family tree profile with my RootsMagic person?

This question was asked by one of the participants in recent RootsMagic User Group class, and thought it might be helpful to review my response in blog post.

This question was asked by one of the participants in recent RootsMagic User Group class, and thought it might be helpful to review my response in blog post.

My Response :-

1) Check out the menu item RootsMagic Support and click on the tab "Look." Then put the words "finding matches on family search" in the search box and the first article should give you the directions to follow.
2) The first step is to select the "Family Search Support" element on the left-hand list. Until you can fit people in FamilySearch Family Tree, you have to do this.
The Help article above tells you that on your RootsMagic screen (in the Family view) the gray FamilySearch icon means your RootsMagic tree person is not matched to FamilySearch Family Tree profile.
3) The Family Vision for the Jonas and Sarah (Seaver) Kendall family in RootsMagic 7. Sarah fits profile of the FamilySearch Family Tree, but Jonas and their kids are still not matched. You can see that Jonas has gray icon with his parents. You can't see the icon of Sarah, but it's blue, just like her parents, which means they suit the profiles of FamilySearch.
4) On the screen above, clicked the gray FamilySearch icon on the Jonas Kendall line. The screen in RootsMagic opened the "FamilySearch Person Tools," and noticed that there were two "possible" matches on the screen below:

The first match on the above screen has a date of birth and place of birth, and names of parents are the same as those in my RootsMagic profile.  The second match has a different date of birth and place of birth, but the same date of death as the RootsMagic profile and the name of the spouse.  My inference is that the two matches are the same individual as my profile of RootsMagic and should fit my profile of RootsMagic.

5) Only one of them can be chosen, so chose the first match because it had more detail, including the names of the parents. clickethe button to the left of the first "Possible matches" and the pop-up box asking "FamilySearch match?"
If there had been no "possible matches," I could have created a new FamilySearch Family Tree profile on the "Add to FamilySearch" button on the screen above.

The next screen appeared after I pressed the "Play with FamilySearch" button.  This revealed that I matched the first "Possible Match" but disappeared the second "Possible Match."

6) In the hope of finding second match, clicked on the "Look for more matches" button on the above screen and the look type appears as shown on the screen below.
7) clicked on "Match" and saw Jonas Kendall's list of possible matches:
And now in RootsMagic matched my Jonas Kendall with profile of Jonas Kendall in FamilySearch Family Tree. No profile I've done something yet-I've just matched the profiles.

8) can see comparison of my RootsMagic profile on the left and the FamilySearch user on the right when click the "Share data" button at the top of the "FamilySearch User Tools" button.
I decided to use my information about RootsMagic to improve the profile of FamilySearch.  I clicked on the boxes next to Birth, Death and Burial and selected the option to "Replace in FamilySearch" for each of them: The RootsMagic information for birth, death and burial was added to the FamilySearch profile.

Then, I click on the blue icon of the Spouse on the side of RootsMagic to add the name of the spouse to the side of FamilySearch.  The blue icon previously matched a FamilySearch profile (which was fortuitously in Jonas Kendall's second possible match. I then clicked on the marriage box and chose "Add to FamilySearch" to add the marriage details to the FamilySearch profile.

9) The resulting screen in RootsMagic "FamilySearch Individual Tools" looks like this:
Later, would add the children to this family in the same manner-click on RootsMagic child from this screen, search for an existing profile, pick that profile if it appears to be the right person, or add the child to the FamilySearch Family Tree profile for those parents as new person.

   Those changes are immediateI can go to the profile of the FamilySearch Family Tree and there are the changes made. Likewise, when press the FamilySearch icon in RootsMagic, change made in the Family tree profile will appear in the "Share Data" screen.

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